What is an Arch?

In cabinetry, an arch refers to a half-circle shaped door design that adds a decorative touch to cabinets. The most common use of the arch is embossed or engraved into the top doors of a cabinet set, creating the illusion of extended height in a kitchen space. The arcing bend visually extends the length of the cabinet doors, making the kitchen look more spacious. There is a wide selection of style options for arch doors, including beveled or carved designs. The arch design is a simple way to enhance the visual appeal of kitchen cabinets.

Purpose of Arches:

  • Arches are used in architectural design to support heavy spans and distribute weight evenly, providing stability to structures.
  • Arches also add a decorative touch to buildings and are often used to frame views, create drama, or highlight a space.
  • In cabinetry, arches are used to create an illusion of extended height and add a decorative touch to kitchen cabinets.

Types of Arches:

  • Circular arches
  • Flat arches
  • Corbelled arches
  • Elliptical arches
  • Half-circle arches (the most popular form)

Functionality of Arches:

  • Structural: Arches are used in construction to support heavy loads and distribute weight evenly, providing stability to the structure.
  • Decorative: Arches add a touch of elegance and style to buildings, and can be used to frame views, create drama, or highlight a space.
  • Illusionary: In cabinetry, arches create the illusion of extended height, visually extending the length of cabinet doors and making the kitchen look more spacious.

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